Friday 23 February 2018

Row based styling for Primeng DataTable using Angualr 2,4

<p-dataTable id="Tbl" [rowStyleClass]="FunctionName"> </p-dataTable>

FunctionName(rowData) {
return rowData['Status'] == "COMPLETE" ? 'disabled-account-row' : '';

.disabled-account-row {
/* TODO: first try this without '!important', but you might need it */
background: lightgreen !important;

Thursday 22 February 2018

Missing Crystal reporting option in visual studio ?

  1. Open Control Panel > Programs > Programs and Features, and select the entry for your version of Microsoft Visual Studio 2015. In our case, it was Microsoft Visual Studio Enterprise 2015.
  2. Click the "Change" button on the top bar above the program list.
  3. After the splash screen, a window will open. Press the "Modify" button.
  4. Select Windows and Web Development > Microsoft SQL Server Data Tools, and check the box next to it.
  5. Press the "Update" button on the lower-right hand side of the window.
  6. Once the installation is complete, open your version of Visual Studio. After the new .dll files are loaded, Reporting functionality should be re-implemented, and you should be able to access all related forms, controls, and objects.


using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Data; using System.Data.SqlClient; using AOS.Repository.Infrastructure; using S...